30 Pembridge Gardens Notting Hill London W2 4DX
No, you can't find me in that address now as I move out from the hall. Though I hang around there so...
Blog Archive
Wednesday, November 06, 2013
Panel Comment on Copyright Amendment Consultation on Parody Works by Attacking Alan
Fair isn't fair if it is prejudiced against one side. (側向一方的公平並非公正。)所以在公平的層面上,第三方案是向使用者公平。
This is the English "transcript" of Attacking Alan's speech on the special hearing on the LegCo Panel on Commerce and Industry for Copyright Amendment Bills. This comes from the simultaneous interpretation in LegCo with significant amendments to make it more readable.
"This is Attacking Alan from Advance on the Fear. Let me explain what does it mean by "Advance on the Fear". I mean Fear here, not Giants (A Cantonese pun). We have fear, because we are fearful of the government and others who want to suppress us.
"For example, the Copyright Amendment Bill will extend the definition of distribution to communication. This is to say if you send so-called infringing copies by electronic or other means, you would be in breach of the law as it may be a criminal offence. This extension would affect people's right on common use. For example, if you share something on Facebook, and those are (alleged) infringing copies, you would be in breach of the law.
"So we think if you extend the meaning of distribution as an offence, we would need to extend the rights and protections for copyright users. Such as if their use is non-commercial, or their use does not undermine the (interests of) original work, then it should be protected.
"Government has provided three options in this consultation on Parody use of Copyright. I do not think the government has clarify any of the various issues under Option 1 so it is inappropriate to be used. Only criminal liability is exempted in Option 2, but civil liability remains. What does this mean? This means someone (meaning Copyright owner) can sue a civil case or use civil litigation as a threat against derivative works or other copyrighted goods.
"Let me use a little bit of time to explain UGC, that is User Generated Content. UGC is either original or derived from other creative works, such as photoshopping pictures, rewriting songs, editing videos etc. These are unrelated to any profit (or monetary gains). So these non-profit making items should not affect the "statutory (this word is added erroneously)" rights of the original works. That is why we suggest the government should go for Option 4 (on UGC Exemption), but they should also exempt parody, satire, pastiche and pastiche (should be caricature here), because this is only fair.
"Fair isn't fair if it is prejudiced against one side (original line in English as omitted by interpreter). On the basis of fairness, Option 3 is fair to the user.
"Finally, my conclusion is the government should go for Option 3 and Option 4, because this is only fair to copyright users and even copyright owners."
Sunday, March 02, 2008
John Betjeman in St. Pancras
Monday, January 07, 2008
Coincidences upon coincidences
1. I was shopping in Waitrose in Gloucester Road Arcade, and I met someone that I had attended summer language school with 5 years ago in Haywards Heath! I stayed with him at a homestay for about 2 weeks in a typical suburban family in Haywards Heath. He's studying mechanical engineering in UCL now, after being transferred from Imperial after finding it too hard. He lives around Chelsea/South Kensington now. It's just that I forgot his name...
2. After shopping in Waitrose, I went to a local second hand bookshop down Gloucester Road. I bought a couple of bargain books (they worth more than 20p certainly!) that were placed outside the shop, went in and met a lady who was chatting with the attendant to try to get a job (or just flirting with the attendant). I paid and left the shop, but dropped a glove on the way out. I noticed half an hour later and went back to pick up. Just on the way in to the shop, I met the lady again! She turned back to the bookshop after failing to meet her acquaintance from a nearby cafe.
Real life is full of unexpected events. Who knows I bought a pair of over-priced gloves in Tie & Rack in Charing Cross after thought that I lost my right glove, and found it (with my beanie) in my now torn backpack?
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Saturday, November 17, 2007
The "Joy" of High Speed Train (UK Class 43)
Yes, their engine is one of the noisiest I've ever seen, though hopefully the life extension programme will see the original engine (called Paxman) changed to something just "less" noisy. Some actually lamented the loss of such roar, I, for one rail enthusiast, would definitely not!
I studied in Bath for two years between 2002 and 2004, and travelled a lot between London and Bath. The noise that the train pulls in is unbearable even after two years. I certainly would hate standing in between the vestibules, unless I want a full blast sensory experience of what you just described (or I rather stayed there than listening to all the gossips inside the carriage, which at times, gossips are more annoying than those rather predictable noises!).
Talking about full blast sensory experience, one of the things I love and hate about Mk3 carriages (the technical name of train carriages used for most loco-led train, including the HST in the UK) is the window on the doors. The fact that you have to put your hand (and sometimes half your body) over the door to push down the door handle outside the carriage to open the door means such window is necessary, and at times one would open the window to feel the breeze, or rather, the gale. Though that opened window itself is another source of noise intrusion from the exterior of the train, especially the bogie and the engine, the draught that is drawn in is sometimes so pleasing! That's why I both hate it and love it -- when I ever walk across the train from carriage to carriage (sometimes towards the kiosk, other times just walking around), I end up opening and closing the windows along. Now, that is a bit of sensory incoherence to you.
The compressed air controlled screen doors between the vestibule and the seating compartment are very interesting -- not just they have annoying hisses whenever they open and close, they are also hypersensitive. That means if you stand like 3 ft from the door it would open, which is good if you are moving along, but really bad if you wanted to just stand in the vestibule. Whenever I travelled on HST, I know my clumsiness in opening that coach door so I often move towards the door one stop before I alight. I certainly don't want to hear the opening and closing of doors while waiting to alight, it's not just the hissing of the piston, it is also the sudden plugging and unplugging of the door...
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Security, Security, Security
The conclusions today of the review by the Noble Lord West on the protection of strategic infrastructure, stations, ports and airports - and of other crowded places - identifies a need to step up physical protection against possible vehicle bomb attacks.
This will include, where judged necessary, improved security at railway stations - focusing first on those of our 250 busiest stations most at risk - and at airport terminals, ports and at over one hundred sensitive installations.
The report proposes the installation of robust physical barriers as protection against vehicle bomb attacks, the nomination of vehicle exclusion zones to keep all but authorised vehicles at a safe distance, and making buildings blast resistant.
While no major failures in our protective security have been identified, companies that are responsible for crowded places will now be given detailed and updated advice on how they can improve their resilience against attack, both by better physical protection and greater vigilance in identifying suspicious behaviour.
So, he wanted more security across the board in public buildings, such as erecting blast-proof walls and restricted road access to annoy everyone who wants to drop off as close to the place as possible (especially for people with mobility difficulties).
Not only that, he also wants to add stop searches at very busy railway stations, which in its very nature is open to the public at most of the times, I don't know how to react on that, as a result that will be subjected to another post.
In lieu of combating the climate change, where air travel is the one of the biggest emitter per capita, I'm sure that's why he's stepping up yet more security measures for visible deterrence, both the "terrorist" and "traveller".
Mr Speaker, just as we are constantly vigilant to the ways in which we can tighten our security, so too we must ensure that the travelling public are able to go about their business in the normal way.
In the most sensitive locations, for example some large rail stations - and whilst doing everything to avoid inconvenience to passengers - we are planning additional screening of baggage and passenger searches.
But in the last few months at key airports there has already been additional investment in new screening capacity. We have been able to review the one-bag per passenger rule and the Transport Secretary is announcing today that as soon as we are confident that airports are able to handle additional baggage safely, these restrictions on hand baggage will be progressively lifted.
Now I don't know whether it seems to be all smoke and screen. I would definitely propose the following security measures to protect public safety (the use of italics makes the statement half-ironic):
Where the hell you can find such security? Narita International Airport, the International Gateway of Tokyo. Why? Because of the use of land to build the airport. That's why most new airports in Japan are built by the sea: it is easier to buy off fishermen apparently.
- Guard towers surrounding the perimeter as well as fences
- Setting up checkpoints for all entrances of the airport
- All entering and exiting vehicles subject to ID check and boot search by airport security
- All entering passengers would have their passport checked, no matter how they come in: by bus, by car, by coach and even by train. Train passengers would have to pass through a security booth not unlike Eurostar
- Check-in baggages screened with X-ray machine prior to approaching check-in counters for all destinations, not just the US, not just a number of airlines. That would of course include budget airlines.
- Normal security procedures like any other airport at the security gate. However, Japanese have already concerned with explosive liquids (read molotov cocktails) before 2006 transatlantic aircraft plot.
I'm sure some people would like to travel like that, right?
Of course, Japanese being Japanese, they make you feel that despite the inconvenience, they will be very considerate and provide as much assistance as possible to make you feel that you are respected as a human being rather than a scum. Here are a story I heard from my friends of parents:
They travelled in January 2002 around the world for business, especially attending some trade fairs. One stop was Orlando: as a result, they have been singled out to the most stringent security procedures all over the journey whenever and wherever they boarded the plane during the journey. That meant full baggage search while checking in and full body search and shoe search at the security. Now, it went off badly as security attendants badly treated one of them at the start of the journey in Hong Kong, she was so incensed by the insensitivity of their command that she threatened to lodge complaint against them. However things changed in Japan...
When they arrived and departed in Japan, they also got their shoes searched. However, the security attendants provided them sleepers when their shoe got searched, they even offered a cup of tea. Now this is the way to treat your suffering passengers while scanning.
Now, not only they want to provide extra security for us, they wanted to extend the period of detention without charge from 28 days to 58 days. This is subject to another long post, from the history of habeas corpus to the controlling nature of the New Labour government and the Bush government...
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
How to beat the Tube Strike
1. Read your map!
Yes, you should read not just the Tube Map, but the Tube and Rail Map like this.
So, say you live in the South-West of London and you're trying to get to Newbury. Forget about getting to Paddington first even though it is usually quicker: go through South West Train and change at Reading. Where to get on this particular train to Reading? Clapham Junction mate. Even though the journey between Clapham and Reading is about
(Edit notes on 5/9: I've rechecked the timetable and therefore change the time needed to travel from Clapham Junction to Reading. It is also interesting to know that South West Trains had retimed slower than it used to be!)
2. Get a bike
If you're adventurous enough, riding a bike would be a fast option in London nowadays sans strike. You'll get sweaty but fit. Though you might inhale a lot of exhaust so wear a mask. Man, you should wear a mask even taking a tube! (Prominent example: this)
(PS. Since taking the tube often involves getting into a deep-level staion, the apparent time benefits have diminshed there. Still, it's quicker than bus before the road traffic above can be horrid in rush hours.)
3. Just stay at home
If you can afford to work at home, do so. You'd alleviate people from crushing buses.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Home at last
Well I've a lot to update but whether I bothered to do them is another question. I'll tell you more once i had back home.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Hen Wlad fy Nhadau
Welsh Words
Mae hen wlad fy nhadau yn annwyl i mi,
Gwlad beirdd a chantorion enwogion o fri.
Ei gwrol ryfelwyr, gwlad garwyr tra mad,
Tros ryddid collasant eu gwaed.
Gwlad Gwlad
Pleidiol wyf i'm gwlad;
Tra môr yn fur i'r bur hoff bau,
O bydded i'r hen iaith barhau.
Hen Gymru fynyddig, paradwys y bardd,
Pob dyffryn, pob clogwyn i'm golwg sydd hardd;
Trwy deimlad gwladgarol, mor swynol yw si
Ei nentydd, afonydd, i mi.
Os treisiodd y gelyn fy ngwlad tan ei droed,
Mae hen iaith y Cymry mor fyw ag erioed;
Ni luddiwyd yr awen gan erchyll law brad,
Na thelyn berseiniol fy ngwlad.
English Words
The land of my fathers is dear to me,
A land of poets and minstrels, famed men.
Her brave warriors, patriots much blessed,
It was for freedom that they lost their blood.
Homeland! Homeland!
I am devoted to my country;
So long as the sea is a wall to this fair beautiful land,
May the ancient language remain.
Old land of the mountains, the Eden of bards,
Each gorge and each valley a loveliness guards;
Through love of my country, charmed voices will be
Its streams, and its rivers, to me.
Though foemen have trampled my land 'neath their feet,
The language of Cambria still knows no retreat;
The muse is not vanquished by traitor's fell hand,
Nor silenced the harp of my land.
Chinese Version by myself ﹙祖傳之地,又誤譯為大地之父﹚
Please note that only the first verse it used for the anthem.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
My plans on this blog space
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
The Year of the Dog
28481k wishes you a very uplifting, prosperous and
helathy year. This is a reminder of the Year of the
(P.S. Due to internet problems, it is 4 days late...)
Saturday, December 31, 2005
New Year Greetings
Well, the year 2005 has been a hectic year for myself and a lot of people. It is certainly the year that I died from the myth of "easy success". The not-too-well results from my finals have great impact for me. It makes me think harder what I should do, and planning out my future...
Anyway, Blwyddyn Newydd Dda/新年進步/Happy New Year!
Monday, December 05, 2005
My Sesame Street Personality Test
Cookie Monster You scored 66% Organization, 35% abstract, and 37% extroverted! |
This test measured 3 variables.
Monster and I personalised
![]() |
Link: The Your SESAME STREET Persona Test written by greencowsgomoo on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test |
Well, that's quite expected actually, many people used to comment that I'm quite like Cookie Monster. By the way, if you don't know, Sesame Street used to be my extra favourite TV programme, I demanded it to be recorded and replayed through-out the day when I was like 5 and 6!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
I'm back on the Internet...
Since I have now got internet connection at my London flat, I can make comments on other blogs and write my own blog again. I'm really sorry for the long wait you might have encountered.
Also, I haven't changed my template yet, due to general laziness, I'll sort that out before new year (that is if I can finish my other academic stuff.
Sunday, July 03, 2005
A Poem from my sister
Here is a poem from my sister. She asked me if I could publish it, so I publish it here.
River of Enternal Friendship,
Flows into Everybody's Heart,
Ends to love feather
which tickles Everybody's Heart,
All rotct apple of peace all divine.
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Under Refurbishment
About Me

- 28481k
- As you see, I'm semi-abandoning here! ;) I'll tell about more of myself later.